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Become a JDM Partner and receive Jesse's monthly Partner Letter! These monthly Partner Letters are straight from Jesse’s desk and filled with exactly what God has put on his heart to share with his Partners.
To receive Jesse's monthly Partner Letter by mail or electronically, simply become a Partner by donating. Together, we are reaching people and changing lives, one soul at a time!
To receive Jesse's monthly Partner Letter by mail or electronically, simply become a Partner by donating. Together, we are reaching people and changing lives, one soul at a time!
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World evangelism is at the heart of every evangelistic meeting that is booked, every broadcast that is aired, every magazine that is printed, every product that is produced, and every social media post that goes out from this ministry. Since 1976, we have been passionately believing the unbelievable and receiving the impossible—seizing every opportunity to reach people and change lives in evangelistic meetings over the years. If you have been blessed through this ministry and you share our vision for World Evangelism, we invite you to become a JDM Covenant Partner.
Who Is A JDM Partner?
Individuals, families, businesses, and churches that regularly pray and sow financial seeds into the good soil of JDM to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. JDM's vision is made possible by the financial contributions and product purchases of caring people just like you.
JDM Is Good Soil
Ours is the type of soil that promotes growth and produces results. Around here, we call it 100-fold soil. That's soil that is pure and free from doubt, fear, disobedience, and sin. We are extremely serious about our responsibility to keep this ministry pure and productive by daily walking in faith and total obedience to God's Word. We value every seed and consider it a holy, precious thing. Not only is your seed destined to produce a harvest for you; it will also enable us to spread the Gospel throughout the world.
Your Partnership At Work
Here are some of the ways your partnership is helping us spread the Gospel:
• Monthly Partner Letters written by Jesse
• JDM Weekly TV Broadcasts
• Evangelistic Meetings
• Visionary Conference
• Glorious: A Conference for Women
• Voice of the Covenant Magazine (print and interactive online issue)
• The JDM App with hundreds of FREE messages from Jesse and Cathy
• JDM Podcast messages
• Social Media posts of encouraging daily content
• JDM Partner Care Prayer Team
• Spanish Outreach
• State-of-the-art broadcasting equipment
• JDM Global Outreach: Australia and UK offices
• Monthly Partner Letters written by Jesse
• JDM Weekly TV Broadcasts
• Evangelistic Meetings
• Visionary Conference
• Glorious: A Conference for Women
• Voice of the Covenant Magazine (print and interactive online issue)
• The JDM App with hundreds of FREE messages from Jesse and Cathy
• JDM Podcast messages
• Social Media posts of encouraging daily content
• JDM Partner Care Prayer Team
• Spanish Outreach
• State-of-the-art broadcasting equipment
• JDM Global Outreach: Australia and UK offices

• One Time Donation: JDMDM + Amount to 28950
• Recurring Donation: Recurring to 28950 (Follow on screen instructions)
• Paypal App: