What is a Believing Man?

“…I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day” (2 Timothy
What was it that gave the Apostle Paul such confidence and strength…even in the midst of great trouble? What did he have that made him different?
The Bible tells us that even in prison, the Apostle Paul declared, “I may be bound with this chain, but the Word of God is not bound in me! I’m sending the Holy Ghost out right from this jail cell!” (paraphrase of 2 Timothy 2:9). What was it that made Paul that kind of man? BELIEF!
In this passionate teaching, Jesse Duplantis answers the question, “What is a believing man?” and reveals some of the key characteristics of a true Apostle-Paul style believer. You’ll learn how compassion leads to passion, how possession gives way to relief, and how power can lift you up to a high place! You’ll learn the importance of opportunity and liberality, and why it’s so good to be a blessing!
Be the Believer God Wants You to Be…