The Resurrection - It's not Fiction, It's Fact!

Journey along with Jesse Duplantis in this inspiring message and learn how the resurrection of Christ establishes the truth of Christianity. While some see Jesus’ resurrection as myth, Jesse shares the truth––Jesus Christ is alive and well and He has opened up His life and peaceful rest to anyone who dares to believe on His holy name! Want proof? Come along and receive it, as Jesse accounts biblical truths that reveal…
* What Jesus promised before He went to the cross for you
* How your faith is alive in a living Savior
* How everything Christ-like has life in it
* How even Christ’s enemies witnessed His resurrection—see for yourself!
* How proof of the resurrection is the power alive in you today
* And more!
The miracle of our risen Lord changed the course of human history…and it can change the course of your life too. If a "stone" of circumstance has put you in a tomb, the truth about Jesus can roll it away––and that’s not fiction, it’s fact! Find out more in this powerful message from Jesse Duplantis!