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The Economic Stimulus Package Before the Fall

$12.00 (USD)
In this transforming message by Jesse, you'll learn how to live in the blessing of God's economical stimulus package, how to tap into the currency of Heaven, and be so blessed that you'll be the one God uses to bring miracles to others.
Your Miracle is in the Blessing!
Are your finances in dire need of a miracle? Hold on tight and get ready for a revelation from Heaven that will change every area of your life in need of the miraculous.In this transforming message by Jesse Duplantis, you will be convicted and empowered to tap into the blessed life God originally intended for His children. When you became a believer in Jesus Christ, you inherited the system of blessing your Father gave Adam and Eve before they disobeyed Him. Come along and learn how:
• To live in the blessing is to live in God’s economical stimulus package before the fall
• Your provision was provided before you were chosen and created
• You are God’s future and through His Son, He has provided all that you need to succeed for His glory
• God gave you a job—to keep His blessing and dress it!
• And more!
Remember, you are in Christ—not in crisis—and your Father God has given you the blessing...The Economic Stimulus Package Before the Fall. Learn how to tap into the currency of Heaven and be so blessed that you will be the one God uses to bring miracles to others.