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God's Greatest Promise to His Children

$12.00 (USD)
It’s time to take the limits off your Savior. None of your loved ones are out of His reach. After all, they are connected to you! Get ready to experience a revelation that will impact your family to a thousand generations.
Your Family Can Be Saved
As a child of God, it’s your right to stand on God’s greatest promise to you. He wants ALL your family saved—even the ones you can’t imagine He would want! This DVD by Jesse Duplantis will open your eyes and stir up your faith to receive the impossible.
Learn how:
• To make God’s desire your desire
• Underground prayers produce above ground results
• You have a thousand generations of your family in one divine utterance
• To be an attractive demonstration of Christ’s power and holiness
• And much more!
It’s time to take the limits off your Savior. None of your loved ones are out of His reach. After all, they are connected to you! Get ready to experience a revelation that will impact your family to a thousand generations. You can win ALL your loved ones to Christ. It’s God’s Greatest Promise to His Children.
“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”
1 Timothy 2:3-4