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Led by the Spirit - Your Road to Somewhere has Another on It

$12.00 (USD)
If you're tired of walking down the streets of life in defeat then don't despair; learn how to be led by the Spirit in Jesse's exhilarating teaching to get on track to success and peace. Your road to somewhere has Another on it—you are never alone.
Led By The Spirit
Your Road To Somewhere Has Another On It
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” Romans 8:14
Your Road To Somewhere Has Another On It
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” Romans 8:14
Are you tired of walking down the streets of life only to find yourself in the midst of defeat over and over again? Don’t despair! As a born again child of the King, you have the Prince of Peace and the Holy Spirit to lead and comfort you all the way to your God-given destiny. Learn how to be led by the Spirit in this exhilarating teaching and get back on track to success and peace. See how:
• You were created to be led, not left to your own wisdom or lack thereof• Prayer keeps open communication with the spirit realm
• The Holy Spirit leads you through conviction, not through theories or opinions
• The Holy Spirit will lead you even through the accidents of life
• And more!!
Isn’t it time to journey with God and experience real freedom, divine purpose, and ultimate peace? Your road to somewhere has Another on it—you are never alone. Jesus Christ is always there to guide, protect, and comfort you. Let His Spirit be the lead in your life and enjoy godly success and true fulfillment today!