Built to Last
You are Equipped for Victory!
No matter who you are or where you’re from, life has challenges. However, as a believer in Christ, you’ve been supernaturally equipped to outlast and conquer any difficulty that comes your way.
In this profoundly inspiring teaching, you will see and understand how, like Paul, you are a “good soldier of the cross.” Get ready to receive great confidence and holy boldness in your divine position as Jesse teaches how:
- You act like a soldier by living a life of faith
- Faith inspires courage
- Your will should be totally absorbed in that of your Commander, Jesus Christ
- And much more!
Regardless of what happens, you have been empowered by God to be victorious. You can stand firm in faith because your God is faithful to see you through. So remember, Jesus Christ built you to last and with Him, you can conquer anything!
“Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”
2 Timothy 2:3