The Power of Prayer

Prayer Is Your Lifeline to
God’s Power in Your Life!
Do you realize how essential a strong commitment to prayer is in order for you to receive from Heaven and fulfill God’s plan for you?
Get ready to revive your spiritual life and start enjoying the abundant life Jesus died to give you. In The Power of Prayer, Cathy Duplantis, anointed author, pastor, and Bible teacher, will inspire and guide you to an intimate communion with your Heavenly Father. With personal stories and biblically-based, time-tested principles that will effectively posture your heart to God, you’ll be equipped to tap into an open, clear line of communication with God that will unlock the gates of Heaven in your life.
Jesus Christ clearly established the importance of prayer, so much so that His disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray. They didn’t ask Jesus to teach them to do miracles, even though they saw Him heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the multitudes, and walk on the water. They recognized that prayer was the source of His power.
Never underestimate the power of your faith-filled prayers to God Almighty, the Source and Creator of all things. Your prayers will always reveal God’s plan for you and provide for your victory. You serve a good God Who desires to hear and answer your requests, and thanks to Jesus, you can bring them directly before the throne of grace. Choose today to live a life devoted to prayer—it is your lifeline to God’s power operating fully in every area of your life!
ISBN: 9781634168078
87 pages