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Making Jesus Your Future

$12.00 (USD)
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$10.00 (USD)
There is hope in a life based on a relationship with Christ. With Him, your future can be brighter than the noon-day sun—it begins with a life committed to Christ. You've got a future—Jesus!
Preached at a Motorcycle Rally, this powerful and humorous message by Jesse Duplantis will inspire you to experience the fullness of Jesus Christ! You'll be inspired to...
- Live for Jesus!
- Speak for Jesus!
- Know Jesus, instead of just believe in Jesus!
There is hope in a life based on a relationship with Christ. With Him, your future can be brighter than the noon-day sun. Salvation, health, prosperity, great relationships and every good thing in this life - it begins with a life committed to Christ. You've got a future. Why not make it completely JESUS today?!
DVD Includes: Closed Captioning, English and Spanish Subtitles
Run Time Approximate: 89 minutes