Notes From a Vision Specialist

Make the Vision Real
God is the Creator and we are made in His image, so we should be creators, too. We should all be imitators of God Almighty—after all, He is the ultimate “Vision Specialist!” It is our responsibility to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, obey His command, and step out in faith to accomplish every dream and vision with excellence.
In Notes from a Vision Specialist, Jesse Duplantis teaches on a few of his most vision-impacting notes and experiences so that you can make your vision real, too—God’s way! In this book, Jesse shares key revelations on vision, while encouraging you to expand your thinking and prepare for success.
Jesse reveals how to recognize your vision and explore God’s perfect path to your destiny. As you begin your journey, you will understand the difference between a good idea and a God idea, as well as learn the importance of keeping your word. You’ll discover how you can shut down the dangers of distraction and not allow time to defeat you. And Jesse reminds you, too, that it’s all about priorities, and that “Vision Specialists” never stop dreaming.
God wants you blessed and excited about your future. Decide today that you will experience great results in your life regularly. Be inspired to run with your vision and charge ahead in faith, like the VISIONARY you are, knowing that you are destined for victory.
(This title is also available in Spanish.)
ISBN: 9781634167383
© 2024 by Jesse Duplantis
Paperback, 75 pages