The Highest Aim in Life

Are You Hungering and Thirsting for the Right Thing?
It's good to be FULL! Life is better when you're content. Yet, how many of us go through life feeling like we're living the lyrics to, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction!" If you're bored and your eyes keep moving from one "next best thing" to another, then it's time to shake off that pursuit of temporary satisfaction and start aiming HIGHER!
God is not untouchable! Jesse Duplantis shares a message based on one of Christ's most famous beatitudes and reveals how you can start aiming for the right things in life and, in the process, end up more fulfilled, more joyful, and more blessed than you've ever been before. You'll learn:
• The paradox of true satisfaction: If you want to be content and full, start by being hungry!
• The allure of a sleek religion: If you want to quench your thirst, stop drinking from empty cups!
• The root of restlessness: If you want lasting satisfaction, don't fix your eyes on what's temporary!
• And much more!
Get inspired to go for The Highest Aim in Life and start living a life that's FULL!